CLA’s Transformational Coaching Journey in 2019 for Leaders and High Potentials

Ending 2019 with great accomplishments and stepping into 2020 embarking new horizons in the leadership development, one on one coaching & transformation arena. Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday season and advance wishes to a power packed 2020 with loads of inspiration, potential unlocking, happiness, love, prosperity and success in your leadership journeys.

Our journey in 2019 has been absolutely great meeting wonderful people on the coaching and leadership landscape and impacting lives for meaningful transformations and accelerating shifts in their personal journeys. Some of the unique milestones reached by us during the year would not have been possible without the true support of our team who are the strongest pillars of our existence.

The CLA Millennial Team Who Makes Things Possible in Challenging Circumstances

Our strategic partners People Business – India, Leadership Circle USA and Hofstede’s Insights – Finland have been immense contributors to our journey and your contributions will always be valued, cherished and appreciated. We take this opportunity to mention Mervyn Raphael, Dr. Sandeep Krishnan, Egbert Schram and their teams for the continued support for nurturing our efforts in the global talent & organizational development area.

Our experience and expertise in the banking sector leadership development arena has been growing in many folds and gaining good prominence in the industry and CLA is now considered as an authority in the banking leadership development sphere adding another feather to our cap. Presently CLA works with 07 different banks in the shaping of executive performance through customized 360 leadership profiling and structured coaching to create high performing future leaders. We thank all our lead consultants and facilitators for the perfect designing & execution of the executive coaching programs that produce measurable results and ROI .

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CLA also spread it’s wings in the arena of coaching emerging leaders in the healthcare and leisure sectors and this experience is a great milestone as we dealt with highly complex and diverse sets of competencies to nurture, change & transform leadership behaviors to drive high performance business cultures. The learning was holistic and gave CLA the opportunity to identify organizational cultures in the specific industries that had a strong co-relation to exhibited leadership behaviors and execution excellence.

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2019 will always be special to CLA as we had the long awaited opportunity of meeting International Coach Federation – CEO / Executive Director Magda Mook and ICF Director Fiona Toy in Colombo Sri Lanka. It is no doubt their presence in Sri Lanka would certainly help lift the standard of COACHING in Sri Lanka as a rapidly growing profession. Thank you Magda and Fiona for your visit to Colombo and wish you will love to visit this beautiful island many more times.

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CLA’s efforts along with their strategic partners People Business to identify, assess and recognize GREAT MANAGERS have proven to establish a new avenue and benchmark industry’s best and provide further guidance to the MAKING OF GREAT MANAGERS. 2019 saw the 3rd successive year of the recognition of GREAT MANAGERS in Colombo Sri Lanka with more companies in MNC, private and government sectors participating to recognizing their high performing managers.

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Value creation helps to achieve a compelling proposition to craft a desired image and distinctively position what you do whether it is a passion, product or a service. I was privilege enough to meet a sculptor named Elephant Sunil who is specializing in woodworking and carving industry in Southern Sri Lanka and what he finally sculpts out of a large tree trunk is so amazing. The Sri Lankan majestic elephant listed as endangered by the IUCN and many projects have been initiated to save the elephants and help safeguard and conservation. During my conversation the sculptor said it takes almost 45 days to sculpt this beautiful elephant as he puts his heart & soul into visualizing the final outcome of what he is sculpting throughout the days. Though paid a lower wage for his great work his commitment and dedication to bring to life a species endangered and threatened makes a masterpiece in wood crafting. 2019 is so memorable meeting these unique people in my lifetime that is leaving a good lesson to pause & reflect.

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As we say goodbye to 2019 and plan to enter a life full of enrichment and new experiences in 2020 would like leave this quote by Ernest Agyemang Yeboah “If you define your life by what you learn only, you will never leave a great footprints on earth. Your life must not only be defined by what you do with what you learn but also the great distinctive exploitations you make with the least things you learn.” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah, Distinctive Footprints Of Life.