Is Your Employer Brand and EVP Aligned with the Business Strategy?

The heart of Employer Brand is the EVP – Employer Value Proposition

The compelling and unique value of what the organization offers to the employees distinguishing the organization as a truly great place to work.

In an increasingly competitive business landscape companies continuously struggle to attract and retain great talent to maintain its customer experience & promise and concurrently battle an internal war of challenging lower attrition rates of employees. In this context the Employer Branding or Employer Value Proposition has become the buzzword in the quest to build a great corporate brand providing a rich employee experience through which an organization can create desired outcomes ensuring sustainable results.

“Brand images can be built around a variety of offerings, including: ‘ a fun place to work’, a place where people are invested in’ and ‘a company that cares for people’. Whatever the image projected by the employment brand, it must engage the heart and minds of the target group. It should generate a vision of what is possible in this company – the ‘What’s in it for me?’ factor. It must also match the experience of existing employees” Source: Ann Sherry, “Put some branding iron into Your Image, Business review weekly (21 July 2000)

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a holistic framework that addresses all the aspirations of a ‘high performing’ workforce

The ultimate purpose of the Employer Brand is to help enable the organization deliver on its business strategy in a sustainable manner.

-Providing strong linkage via the HR strategy

-Attracting and recruiting the Target Talent with ideal competency mapping to suit the organization

-Improving the retention rate

-Improving employee experience, engagement, commitment and performance

EVP focuses on developing great experience, engagement, inspiration, ownership that distinctively spreads across the organization like wildfire. A well-defined EVP could well become the most promising competitive strategic advantage an organization could create to achieve its edge over competition to attract, retain, motivate, develop, and productively engage human resources in an organization to create desired business outcomes.

Have you considered developing your EVP ?