Leaving A Footprint In Transformational Coaching In 2018

Transformational change to uplift lives and help achieve someone’s absolute best is one of the fundamental purposes that inspires me in the work I do ‘COACHING’ along with the other well experienced coaches at the Colombo Leadership Academy. Tapping into the dormant talents and faculties and pushing the limits to achieve meaningful change often helps to unleash the full potential of many of us and inspire others too to achieve extraordinary outcomes in their lives.

As we reach the end of a fabulous year and step into a brand new one some of our encounters help us to reflect how the learning from powerful coaching conversations and moments leave us inspired to shape and transform our journeys triggering lasting change and transformation that impact on another.

Honestly, it does not matter from whom you learn from, it could be from an eminent scholar to a homeless man. All what it matters is how contextual it is and whether the learning allows you to embrace and apply a meaningful change and touching lives beyond measure.

When I traveled to California in the beginning of the year I bumped on to a departmental store sales promoter who was promoting a a famous brand of nutritional cereal bars. She could be heard from a distance with a rhythmic tone very passionately expressing the nutritional and emotional benefits of the brand. I was moved and so taken up wondering as to how she could do it over and over again tirelessly maintaining utmost consistency in the message she was communicating to attract people to her table and eventually making people to buy the product. On inquiring she mentioned to me that she was a 70 year old retired person who took on the responsibility of promoting the cereal bars at the departmental store and having read the contents and values of the product she has written her own script about what she would be communicating to attract the shoppers to buy her product. The company that owns the brand has only given her the regular price and the discounted price for the season and said it was good enough to communicate that. It was amazing to note how people could unleash their own creativity and craft something unique that could emerge absolutely authentic in creating a new space that one truly occupies. Observing her dedication and accountability to execute what she has undertaken left me even more inspired and overwhelmed.

Our transformational coaching experiences to stretch and unleash the true potential of emerging leaders among the leading banks in Sri Lanka is a another unique coaching footprint that we have left pushing leadership competencies to achieve high performance cultures which helps to achieve acceleration in one’s career advancements equally contributing to organizational performance. A notable feature observed during these coaching experiences is on the ability of the emerging leaders to reinvent their aspirations and craft a new personal brand identity for themselves having engaged with our experienced coaches and stretching themselves to achieve new and greater heights in their professional goals.

Another milestone we reached on the coaching journey was empowering women in leadership roles and helping them achieve a high degree of work life balance. The coaching conversations were so powerful and the takeaways were high as we observed how they reflected on how they could use the skills and capabilities to achieve what they earlier thought was somewhat limited and beyond their reach. Our experienced coaches unlock and help clients remove all the stumbling blocks to provide greater clarity in one’s journey to achieve absolute change and acceleration.

A unique experience with the strategic partnership of GREAT MANAGER AWARDS a global talent recognition programme that looks into the competencies of identifying truly great managers through the patented R-OPTI model http://greatmanagerawards.com/gma-srilanka.php and recognizing them with the accolades of the global awards providing greater inspirations for the recipients to perform even better in their organizations. The winners are provided with executive coaching to further enhance their professional aspirations and focus on individual development plans to strengthen their leadership competencies that leads to drive a high performance culture back in the organizations

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. So never step back and always have courage to accept new challenges. Wishing you a very happy new year 2019!