Strategy Execution and Organizational Silos

Do we need to breakdown organizational silos or strategically align leadership efforts to build bridges across organizational cross functional teams to create the perfect culture for change and successfully implement planned strategy.

CEOs and top leadership team members constantly struggle to execute a good strategic plan that everyone thought would be the best fit for the business to achieve the organizational objectives.

This reminds Lawrence Bossidy’s quote “At the end of the day you BET ON PEOPLE, not on strategies.” The absence of a strong well focused people strategy to drive the business strategy would certainly lead to create large inequalities on the planned and actual results. It is of paramount importance that the minds & hearts of internal stakeholders are fully engaged to drive strategic initiatives.

Most often, leadership team members focus so aggressively on the goals and strategies with a die-hard attitude to drive a chosen a path to get where they want to be. Sometimes the perspectives of the stakeholders who are critical in executing the business strategy has not received a nod nor confirmation as to validate whether the strategy will see light at the end of the day. The least noticed or important people on the organizational structure could become the most disengaged creating drastic adverse effects if leadership teams don’t spend adequate time in having great conversations with them providing clarity continuously engaging them on the tasks.

Leadership team members must understand that people operate on fixed assumptions of how things are done and pay less attention to how value is created. In order to break through organizational silos and the DNA of the present culture leadership should focus on coaching, mentoring and developing a mind set for ownership, innovation, creativity, growth and successfully collaborate with diverse teams and influence others to share the vision. Leaders who drive core teams must educate the nexus between customers, shareholders and employees and how they can stretch their commitments beyond the local parts of their roles for contributing towards strategic directions. Frequently pausing and reflecting on current processes that have become road blocks and challenging the status quo could be of great help to mitigate slower strategy execution speeds.

Organizations and businesses that create sustainable results have indicated a strong correlation between active people engagement and alignment to desired results. Aligning people to drive organizational goals is not merely a HR task rather this needs to be shouldered by every leadership team member navigating the pathways to build a culture of high performance organization through a people strategy.

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