The Coaching Approach to Leadership Development

Today organizations pay critical attention like never before for leadership development as a systematic approach to expanding the performance capability of individuals in their leadership roles aligning to deliver organizational performance. Highly successful organizations have realized that leadership development and transformation is not achieved through a single stage or with a series of workshops but rather through a well structured transformation journey providing measurable impacts on their transformation that delivers great ROI.

In Colombo Leadership Academy’s leadership intervention approach it all begins with the mapping of leadership competencies and attributes of potential leaders through competency assessments or with a 360 degree leadership profiling process helping to determine and identify the specific leadership behaviors, gaps and consciousness and how this impacts the individual’s performance in the organization. The 360 profiling feedback reveals unique information not captured through day to day interactions highlighting hidden strengths as well as blind spots . The Gallop Survey reveals “The top 25% of profitable companies in the US recognize feedback as being critical to the management/leadership role. Feedback, used effectively, has a big influence on [employee] retention, profitability, and customer satisfaction.” In the hands of an experienced leadership coach the way in which the feedback is interpreted and managed could be a catalyst for sustainable change and development.

The outcome of the 360 leadership profile is debriefed to the participants by experienced, certified coaches and business psychologists. We find the 360 degree feedback is often an emotional process as it calls for compelling change in the model of our leadership behavior. This methodology provides extreme clarity on whats going on unfolding substantial insights into the leadership culture the participant has created in the organization. Coaching conversation occupies paramount importance at this stage leading to explore development planning pathways through deeper personal awareness and perspective on present leadership behavior.. With thorough analysis of the leadership behaviors, quantitative and qualitative feed backs help us to determine the road-map required to navigate the transformational journey through the execution of professional coaching and mentoring producing desired change and individual performance improvement . CLA’s structured leadership transformation delivery approach helps to clear all road blocks through intense reflections to achieve measurable results.…%25

Leadership development and preparation of future leaders is not an option any more but has become a fundamental priority to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Organizations around the world have realized this as a step in the right direction of building their succession plans for the future. The journey of leadership development begins with extreme clarity and with well defined outcomes where business insights are obtained to determine where to focus the development efforts determining the desired outcomes in leader behavior. An understanding of how the organizations provide value to its customers, the prevailing organizational values, present employee experience and culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the executive performance to meet the business challenges of tomorrow.